
The woman behind the brand Tularosa Herbals

If you've been to Bespoke, chances are you’ve experienced one of seven Herbal tinctures for common wellness goals by Tularosa. The Artisan behind the herbal tinctures and adaptogens is Michelle Hillestad, who created them for those seeking to balance, unburden, and connect more deeply with nature.

Michelle is a traditional and clinically trained Herbalist working out of the Twin Cities and the bountiful prairies of Southern Minnesota. She crafts her herbal remedies with the moon phases, using traditional old-world knowledge and methods, with plants backed by modern science. She is passionate about connecting people to Nature’s rhythms and healing gifts in ways that are joyful, delicious, luxurious, and with a holistic approach to matters of body, mind, and spirit. 

Experience their magic on your next visit to Bespoke. To learn more about Tularosa Herbals visit